Many facial plastic surgeons work primarily with women and may lack Dr. Kim’s expertise and experience in successfully reshaping the male nose. Dr. Kim is among the leading nose surgeons practicing in Portland, Oregon and has earned acclaim for achieving exceptional results in these complex surgeries for men. Many men feel unhappy with some aspect of their nasal shape due to one or more of the following problems:
- Broken nose
- Crooked nose
- Disproportionate nose
- Droopy tip (especially when smiling)
- Bulbous, or overly large nasal tip
- Hump on nose bridge
- Long, wide, or unevenly shaped nostrils
- Angle between nose and upper lip is unattractive
How is Male Rhinoplasty Different?
The difference in performing male rhinoplasty in Portland lies in the fact that there can be significantly different gender-specific anatomic characteristics as well as aesthetic desires. Men often want to correct a flaw in the appearance of their nose but have concerns about achieving a natural look that retains masculine features. Dr. Kim’s extensive experience with male patients makes him the ideal choice for this important facial enhancement.
What is the Surgery Like?
Male rhinoplasty surgery in Portland typically takes three to four hours to perform. Typically, you will be under general anesthesia for the procedure. You will not experience any pain during the procedure and may very little recollection of it. When you become alert after surgery, your nose will be bandaged.
As you will not be able to drive, a friend or family member can transport you home following your surgery. You will have prescription pain medication to keep you comfortable during the first few days of your recovery, and your nose will feel very stuffy for about one week.
How Long is the Recovery from Male Nose Surgery?
Plan on taking about one to two weeks off work, school, or other activities. Some patients feel well enough to return to work after a week off, but it is best to plan ahead should you require more time. You will initially have bruising and swelling that peaks at day three, and your nose will feel stuffy. Your nose will be bandaged and splinted, and you will be limited in the type of physical activity in which you can participate. It is advised that you avoid bending over, lifting, or other actions that could impact the healing process. You will need to sleep with your head elevated above your heart for at least one week.